Ich suche zum Aufbau meines Lehrstuhls ab 1. März 2012 einen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter/ eine wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin.
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Stellenausschreibung Wirtschaftspsychologie/ Schermuly
Ich freue mich über Bewerbungen
IKD-Studie in der Social Psychology
In der Social Psychology wurde folgender Artikel angenommen:
Schröder, T., Netzel, J., Schermuly, C. C., & Scholl, W. (in press). Culture-constrained affective consistency of interpersonal behavior. A test of affect control theory with nonverbal expressions. Social Psychology.
Es basiert auf IKD-Daten, die sequenzanalytisch ausgewertet wurden. Das Abstract des Artikels lautet wie folgt:
We examined the core hypothesis of affect control theory (ACT; Heise, 2007) that human social interaction is guided by culture-constrained affective consistency. Our study is the first empirical test of this principle applied to nonverbal behavior. 120 subjects in 60 dyads were videotaped during a problem-solving task. Their interactions were subdivided into discrete meaningful events and assigned ratings of the friendliness, dominance, and activity displayed by the interactants. We used a computational model based on ACT to predict frequencies of, and likely sequences between, specific patterns of interpersonal affect. The model predicted the data well. We argue that assuming a principle of consistency is valuable for understanding not only individual social cognition, but also the interdependencies between individuals, social settings, and culture.
Schröder, T., Netzel, J., Schermuly, C. C., & Scholl, W. (in press). Culture-constrained affective consistency of interpersonal behavior. A test of affect control theory with nonverbal expressions. Social Psychology.
Es basiert auf IKD-Daten, die sequenzanalytisch ausgewertet wurden. Das Abstract des Artikels lautet wie folgt:
We examined the core hypothesis of affect control theory (ACT; Heise, 2007) that human social interaction is guided by culture-constrained affective consistency. Our study is the first empirical test of this principle applied to nonverbal behavior. 120 subjects in 60 dyads were videotaped during a problem-solving task. Their interactions were subdivided into discrete meaningful events and assigned ratings of the friendliness, dominance, and activity displayed by the interactants. We used a computational model based on ACT to predict frequencies of, and likely sequences between, specific patterns of interpersonal affect. The model predicted the data well. We argue that assuming a principle of consistency is valuable for understanding not only individual social cognition, but also the interdependencies between individuals, social settings, and culture.
Wechsel zur SRH Hochschule Berlin
Seit 1. Oktober 2011 arbeitet ich für die SRH Hochschule Berlin. Wie jeder Wechsel war auch dieser mit viel Arbeit verbunden, so dass ich in den letzten Monaten nicht zum posten gekommen bin. Trotzdem gab es fast 200 Besucher pro Monat auf der Seite. Herzlichen Dank dafür! Zukünftig werden hier wieder regelmäßiger Neuigkeiten über das IKD veröffentlicht.
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