Am 19. März ist meine Dissertation mit dem Titel
Das Instrument zur Kodierung von Diskussionen (IKD) - Untersuchung der psychometrischen Qualität und experimenteller Einsatz zur Prüfung des Empowermentkonstrukts
bei Epubli erschienen (Softcover | DIN A4 hoch | 324 Seiten s/w | ISBN: 978-3-8442-0242-7). Eine Leseprobe und das Buch gibt es hier.
Workshop an der Durham University (GB)
Carsten C. Schermuly und Bertolt Meyer führten am 7. April 2011 einen Workshop an der Durham University (GB) zum Thema " Employing behavioural observations in team research" durch:
This workshop was aimed at PhD students at any level (and all other researchers) who are considering using behavioural methods and observational data in their own research or are generally interested in observational methods and the study of group processes.
During the workshop the following topics were covered:
- Research with behavioural observation and coding: A case-based introduction
- Introduction of the Discussion Coding System Coding Scheme
- Demonstration of different video coding software packages
- Statistical methods for the analysis of observational data
- Case studies on the effects of team diversity on team communication and performance
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